Battery storage systems

We store more – for a secure power supply in a world of renewables

Link between renewables and stable electricity grid

Battery storage systems are a key element in the energy transition, since they can store excess renewable energy and make it available when it is needed most.

As a battery storage pioneer, RWE develops, builds and operates innovative and competitive large battery storage systems as well as onshore and solar-hybrid projects in Europe, Australia and the US. The battery storage capacity already installed is currently around 1.2 GW.

When it comes to linking battery storage technology with green electricity production, RWE can draw on many years of experience in the energy storage and renewables sector. The company provides project planning, modelling, system integration, and commissioning of the projects in house and under one roof.

How a battery storage system is created

Battery storage systems as all-rounders

Battery storage technology is mature and competitive. It can be adapted to suit almost any conditions. Battery storage systems can be erected nearly anywhere with very short lead-in and construction times. They can be small and compact or come in XXL sizes to suit industrial applications.

Highly efficient modern batteries play in the top league of storage technologies – the stored energy can be made available again at any time with extremely minimal losses.

Another advantage is their ability to store electricity and feed it back into the grid with lead times counted in fractions of seconds. Thanks to smart IT solutions, battery storage systems can automatically rectify imbalances between electricity production and demand.

Diagram illustrating a 220 MW battery storage project in North Rhine-Westphalia, highlighting power surplus and scarcity management.
How a battery storage system works using the example of RWE's battery storage project in Neurath and Hamm.

Focus on battery storage

Battery storage capacity

An infographic showing RWE's battery storage capacity with locations in the U.S., Ireland, and Germany, totaling 724 MW.

Click on the image to zoom

Our lighthouse projects

220 MW battery storage system in Germany

Intelligent large-scale project for grid stability.

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Solar energy in opencast mines

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Battery storage systems in the US

We deliver energy storage: With experience, technological understanding and a strong balance sheet to be your partner of choice

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Discover renewable energies

Onshore Wind

We are driving forward the expansion of onshore wind power. This includes looking for land for our projects.

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Solar energy

The sun’s power as a source of clean energy. We are driving forward the expansion of photovoltaics.

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