Zsuzsanna Sessel-Zsebik is one of our remarkable female leaders within #TeamRWE and the Power Looks Good On You initiative, known for laying the legal foundations that allow RWE to produce energy for millions. Her story is a testament to resilience and innovation, from her early days as a Hungarian lawyer adjusting to the German legal system to her rise as a director who values cross-border collaboration.
Discover more of Zsuzsanna’s thoughts on power, her drive to influence change, and her advice for other women looking to advance in their careers in the energy sector.
What is your biggest superpower?
My biggest superpowers are resilience and adaptability.
Why did you become part of the Power Looks Good On You Initiative?
I am here today to show other talented women that you can achieve something if you want. Never hide yourself and never shy away.
What helps you to own your power?
What helps me the most is if I receive open and honest constructive feedback. There are not many people who dare to say it, but if I hear it, that's something I can react on and I can improve.
Do you have a certain role model?
I don't have one role model, but I have many, many people who I admire because of certain skills or certain behavior that they have. And I try to copy those single things and combine it with my own personality to create out of this the best of myself.
What advice would you give to other women in renewables?
Never accept a situation as is just because. Once you get into a position where you feel comfortable, you are building your routines and applying them. If you stop becoming creative and you stop growing, you are shrinking actually.
If you want to find out more about Zsuzsanna's very personal Power Journey, take a look here: