RWE at Intersolar 2024

The world’s leading trade fair for the solar industry.

Purpose & strategy

We are shapers and pacemakers of the green energy world.

We invest in large-scale solar projects worldwide

We are one of the world's leading companies in the field of renewable energy.

RWE at Intersolar Europe

Intersolar Europe, the leading trade fair for the solar industry, offers a comprehensive insight into the dynamic development of the market and has been providing valuable networking opportunities for industry players for over three decades. The upcoming event will present around 1,400 exhibitors on an area covering over 110,000m2, including RWE with a 100m2 exhibition stand (A4.520) and various conference contributions, accompanied by experts from different countries.

Related links

Website of the organiser
Site plan – RWE at the Intersolar

Our presentations at the conference

  • A calendar icon with the number 23 in the centre.
Date & time
Tuesday, 18. June 2024
16:30 pm - 18:00 pm
Presentation by RWE:
17:05 pm - 17:15 pm
  • An icon which shows three silhouette of people on a pedestal with a screen behind.

Conference title
“Agricultural PV: How to Tap into Europe’s Huge Potential for Solar Power in Agriculture”

  • An icon which shows a rising sun at the upper part and a solar panel at the bottom.
Presentation by RWE
“Challenges and Success Factors in the Development and Implementation of Ublity-scale Agri-PV Projects in Germany”

  • A calendar icon with the number 23 in the centre.
Date & time
Wednesday, 19. June 2024
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Presentation by RWE:
11:05 am - 11:20 pm
  • An icon which shows three silhouette of people on a pedestal with a screen behind.

Conference title
“Hybrig PV Power Plants I: Providing Flexible Generation for the Energy System”

  • An icon which shows a rising sun at the upper part and a solar panel at the bottom.
Presentation by RWE
“Hybrid Wind-Solar in the Age of Saturated Grid Infrastructure”

Meet our experts from the
following teams in person

  • Procurement

  • Marketing and Communications

  • Construction

  • Engineering and Operations

  • Agri-PV and Floating-PV

  • Development teams from Italy, Spain, Greece, UK, Australia, Poland, Netherlands, Germany

  • Recruiting

RWE experts at a fair waving into the camera with their exhibition stand of RWE in the background.
RWE experts at a fair waving into the camera with their exhibition stand of RWE in the background.
An RWE exhibition stand from the front.
An RWE exhibition stand from the side.

Discover solar energy

The sun is the source of life and offers an enormous amount of potential for producing energy. RWE invests in large-scale solar projects and offers comprehensive support for electricity producers, plant operators and other interested parties to utilise this potential and shape a sustainable future.

Related links

RWE solar flyer
Solar energy at RWE
Become a solar partner (for landowners)
RWE plants and sows at demonstration plant for Agri-PV

An RWE employee stands at his white pick-up truck and uses a laptop. In the background are solar panels on a meadow.

About RWE

RWE is leading the way to a green energy world. With its investment and growth strategy Growing Green, RWE is contributing significantly to the success of the energy transition and the decarbonisation of the energy system. Around 20,000 employees work for the company in almost 30 countries worldwide. RWE is already one of the leading companies in the field of renewable energy.

Between 2024 and 2030, RWE will invest 55 billion euros worldwide in offshore and onshore wind, solar energy, batteries, flexible generation, and hydrogen projects. By the end of the decade, the company’s green portfolio will grow to more than 65 gigawatts of generation capacity, which will be perfectly complemented by global energy trading. RWE is decarbonising its business in line with the 1.5-degree reduction pathway and will phase out coal by 2030. RWE will be net-zero by 2040. Fully in line with the company’s purpose - Our energy for a sustainable life.

Unser Purpose:
Our energy for a sustainable life

Our goal:
Net zero by 2040

Our strategy:
Growing Green

No. 00

US Solar

No. 00

UK Wind & Solar

No. 00

Europe Wind & Solar

RWE worldwide

Discover our solar locations.

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Onshore wind and photovoltaic jobs

At RWE, we are actively driving the energy transition and creating jobs for a better tomorrow in the wind and photovoltaics sector. So, what are you waiting for?

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our global attractive jobs

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The anonymous survey will take a maximum of 10 minutes.

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RWE Renewables Europe & Australia GmbH

RWE Platz 4
45141 Essen