You can find the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board and the Articles of Incorporation under:
Articles of Incorporation and Documents

Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board consists of twenty members, ten of which are elected by the General Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act and ten of which are elected by the employees pursuant to the provisions of the German Co-determination Act (Mitbestimmungsgesetz/MitbestG) of May 4, 1976.
Members of the Supervisory Board
(CVs as at: 24 February 2025)
Supervisory Board Committees
The Supervisory Board has six standig committees. These committees are mainly charged with preparing issues and resolutions of the Supervisory Board meetings. In certain cases, they exert decision-making powers conferred on them by the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board is informed in detail of the work done by the committees by their chairmen.
Executive Committee of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Werner Brandt (Chairman)
Dr. Frank Appel
Ute Gerbaulet
Reiner van Limbeck
Dirk Schumacher
Ralf Sikorski -
Mediation Committee in accordance with Sec. 27, Para. 3 of German Co-Determination Act (MitbestG)
Dr. Werner Brandt (Chairman)
Thomas Kufen
Ralf Sikorski
Marion Weckes
Personnel Affairs Committee
Dr. Werner Brandt (Chairman)
Dr. Frank Appel
Sandra Bossemeyer
Harald Louis
Ralf Sikorski
Hauke Stars
Audit Committee
Mag. Dr. h. c. Monika Kircher (Chairwoman)
Michael Bochinsky
Dr. Hans Bünting
Matthias Dürbaum
Dagmar Paasch
Thomas Westphal -
Nomination Committee
Dr. Frank Appel (Chairman)
Dr. Werner Brandt
Thomas Kufen
Hauke Stars
Strategy and Sustainability Committee
Dr. Werner Brandt (Chairman)
Dr. Frank Appel
Michael Bochinsky
Dr. Hans Bünting
Harald Louis
Dagmar Paasch
Ralf Sikorski
Helle Valentin