RWE pro forma figures for fiscal year 2015

Essen, 19 April 2016

Below please find RWE’s pro forma figures for the 2015 fiscal year (unreviewed) according to the new Group structure as we expect them to be published in the quarterly reports for the 2016 fiscal year. The new segment structure is oriented towards the stages of the energy value chain. In the future, we will report on the five following divisions: (1) Conventional Power Generation, (2) Renewables, (3) Trading/Gas Midstream, (4) Grids/Participations/Others and (5) Supply. The last two divisions are new and now cover the activities that were previously assigned to the (1) Supply/Distribution Networks Germany, (2) Supply Netherlands/Belgium, (3) Supply United Kingdom and (4) Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe segments.

Furthermore, during the preparations for the IPO of RWE International S.E., the following adjustments were made to the assignment of material companies compared to the figures published in the 2015 Annual Report. We transferred the stake in Mátra, the Hungarian utility that generates electricity from lignite, from the Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe Division and our Scottish biomass-fired power station Markinch from the Renewables Division to the Conventional Power Generation Division. The effects on EBITDA and the operating result for the full 2015 fiscal year amounted to €72 million and €48 million for Mátra and €22 million and €4 million for Markinch.

Another adjustment results from the netting of energy trading revenue in the Trading/Gas Midstream segment. Previously, netting was essentially performed for electricity revenue from energy trading revenue as well as from marketing and hedging the electricity position of the RWE Group. To present the business performance more accurately, gas revenue in the Trading/Gas Midstream segment will also be netted in fiscal 2016. Figures for 2015 were adjusted retroactively. As of 31 December 2015, this caused external revenue for gas as a raw material to drop by €509 million.