Audience members engaged in a conference session, facing a panel of speakers in a modern auditorium.

Annual General Meeting 2018

Presence and results of the vote


Number of shares capital stock in €  %
Ballot presence 55,21
Common shares 317,861,324 813,724,989.44
Preferred shares 2,984,930 7,641,420.80

Results of the vote

Shares for which valid votes were cast Share of capital stock this represents (%) Yes % No
Item 2
Appropriation of distributable profit
317,624,254 51.67 317,589,026 99.99 35,228
Item 3
Approval of the Acts of the Executive Board for fiscal 2017
1) Dr. Rolf Martin Schmitz 315,816,962 51.37 315,400,185 99.87 416,777
2) Dr. Markus Krebber 315,816,962 51.37 315,400,431 99.87 416,531
3) Uwe Tigges 315,811,962 51.37 315,388,037 99.87 423,925
Item 4
Approval of the Acts of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2017
1) Dr. Werner Brandt 315,482,919 51.32 314,584,789 99.72 898,130
2) Frank Bsirske 315,482,919 51.32 314,577,056 99.72 905,863
3) Reiner Böhle 315,482,919 51.32 314,584,465 99.72 898,454
4) Sandra Bossemeyer 315,482,769 51.32 314,584,805 99.72 897,964
5) Ute Gerbaulet 315,482,769 51.32 314,584,805 99.72 897,964
6) Reinhold Gispert 315,482,769 51.32 314,584,665 99.72 898,104
7) Andreas Henrich 315,482,769 51.32 314,584,665 99.72 898,104
8) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Hans-Peter Keitel 315,482,919 51.32 314,584,445 99.72 898,474
9) Mag. Dr. h.c. Monika Kircher 315,482,769 51.32 314,584,804 99.72 897,965
10) Monika Krebber 315,482,769 51.32 314,584,805 99.72 897,964
11) Harald Louis 315,482,744 51.32 314,584,640 99.72 898,104
12) Dagmar Mühlenfeld 315,482,769 51.32 314,584,780 99.72 897,989
13) Peter Ottmann 315,482,729 51.32 314,584,665 99.72 898,064
14) Günther Schartz 315,482,729 51.32 314,584,665 99.72 898,064
15) Dr. Erhard Schipporeit 315,482,858 51.32 314,584,595 99.72 898,263
16) Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel 315,482,729 51.32 314,584,445 99.72 898,284
17) Ullrich Sierau 315,480,374 51.32 314,583,940 99.72 896,434
18) Ralf Sikorski 315,480,374 51.32 314,583,965 99.72 896,409
19) Marion Weckes 315,480,374 51.32 314,584,105 99.72 896,269
20) Leonhard Zubrowski 315,480,374 51.32 314,508,072 99.69 972,302
21) Arno Hahn 315,480,334 51.32 314,583,965 99.72 896,369
22) Martina Koederitz 315,480,334 51.32 314,584,105 99.72 896,229
Item 5
Appointment of the auditors for fiscal 2018
317,592,827 51.66 313,859,484 98.82 3,733,343
Item 6
Appointment of the auditors for the audit-like review of the financial report for the first half of the year and of the interim financial reports
317,585,135 51.66 312,509,199 98.40 5,075,936
Item 7
Authorisation to implement share buybacks and use treasury stock, also waiving subscription rights
317,496,330 51.65 297,672,970 93.76 19,823,360
Item 8
Renewal of authorised capital and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
316,017,554 51.41 289,901,993 91.74 26,115,561
Item 9
Passage of a resolution on the cancellation of the preferential share in profits of preferred shares and a corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
311,406,465 50.66 129,193,196 41.49 182,213,269
Countermotion a) (Countermotion of Prisma Equity AG) 141,219,139 22.97 2,053 0.01 141,217,086
Countermotion b) (Countermotion of Mr. Zours) 141,218,569 22.97 1,683 0.01 141,216,886

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