Close-up of a keyboard with soft lighting, visible keys, in a gentle blue-orange hue.

Annual General Meeting 2021

InvestorPortal and exercise of voting rights

You can use the InvestorPortal in particular to

  • exercise your voting rights before and during the Annual General Meeting by postal vote or by authorising the voting proxies appointed by the Company and 
  • submit questions to the Executive Board.

Access to the InvestorPortal can be gained using the information provided on the participation ticket that is sent to all shareholders duly requesting a participation ticket by their depositary bank. Please refer to the information in the invitation and any deadlines that may have been set by your depositary bank. 

Form-based exercise of voting rights before the Annual General Meeting

You can also exercise your voting rights form-based before the Annual General Meeting by postal vote or by authorising the voting proxies appointed by the Company. This also requires a participation ticket, which is sent to all shareholders duly requesting a participation ticket by their depositary bank. Please refer to the information in the invitation and any deadlines that may have been set by your depositary bank. To cast a vote, please use the form provided for this purpose on the back of the participation ticket (‘Briefwahl und Stimmrechtsvertretung' (Postal Vote and Voting Proxy) marked with a 'B'). Send the participation ticket with the completed 'Briefwahl and Stimmrechtsvertretung’ (Postal Vote and Voting Proxy) form to the address provided in the invitation (RWE Aktiengesellschaft, c/o Computershare Operations Center, 80249 Munich, Germany) or via e-mail to [email protected] or via facsimile to +49 89 3090 3746 75 by 26 April 2021, 24:00 hours CEST (the date and time of receipt being decisive).

Sample Participation Ticket

You can find a sample of the participation ticket including the 'Briefwahl and Stimmrechtsvertretung’ (Postal Vote and Voting Proxy) form on the back of the participation ticket here:

Participation Ticket

This form does not substitute the due registration to the Annual General Meeting.

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