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Annual General Meeting 2021

Attendance and outcomes of the votes

62.30 % of the statutory capital was present at the Annual General Meeting 2021. This includes the votes cast by postal voting.

Results of the vote of the Annual General Meeting

Shares for which valid votes were cast Share of capital stock this represents (%) Yes % No
Item 2
Appropriation of distributable profit
421,244,128 62.29 421,197,875 99.99 46,253
Item 3
Approval of the acts of the members of the Executive Board for fiscal 2020
419,627,724 62.05 419,420,778 99.95 206,946
Item 4
Approval of the acts of the members of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2020
419,093,465 61.98 404,189,935 96.44 14,903,530
Item 5
Appointment of the auditors for fiscal 2021 and of the auditors for the audit-like review of the half-year financial report and of the interim financial reports
419,631,249 62.06 384,175,029 91.55 35,456,220
Item 6.1
Elections to the Supervisory Board – Dr. Werner Brandt
416,589,100 61.61 385,031,284 92.42 31,557,816
Item 6.2
Elections to the Supervisory Board – Dr. Hans Bünting
419,928,429 62.10 418,628,261 99.69 1,300,168
Item 6.3
Elections to the Supervisory Board – Ute Gerbaulet
420,865,291 62.24 416,935,989 99.07 3,929,302
Item 6.4
Elections to the Supervisory Board – 
Prof. Dr. Ing. Dr. Ing. E.h. Hans-Peter Keitel
414,602,526 61.31 413,941,166 99.84 661,360
Item 6.5
Elections to the Supervisory Board – 
Mag. Dr. h.c. Monika Kircher
419,097,633 61.98 408,445,621 97.46 10,652,012
Item 6.6
Elections to the Supervisory Board – Günther Schartz
420,336,984 62.16 397,947,863 94.67 22,389,121
Item 6.7
Elections to the Supervisory Board – 
Dr. Erhard Schipporeit
420,887,426 62.24 398,207,136 94.61 22,680,290
Item 6.8
Elections to the Supervisory Board – Ullrich Sierau
420,811,130 62.23 411,481,089 97.78 9,330,041
Item 6.9
Elections to the Supervisory Board – Hauke Stars
419,936,631 62.10 419,462,254 99.89 474,377
Item 6.10
Elections to the Supervisory Board – Helle Valentin
419,739,462 62.07 398,761,014 95.00 20,978,448
Item 7
Approval of the remuneration system for members of the Executive Board
418,244,593 61.85 389,762,812 93.19 28,481,781
Item 8
Passage of a resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
416,615,823 61.61 415,159,654 99.65 1,456,169
Item 9
Renewal of authorised capital and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
421,136,121 62.28 409,308,556 97.19 11,827,565
Item 10
Authorisation to issue convertible and/or option bonds, formation of conditional capital and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
421,010,482 62.26 407,567,602 96.81 13,442,880
Item 11
Amendment of Article 8, Paragraph 4 of the Articles of Incorporation (By-elections to the Supervisory Board)
418,963,361 61.96 413,803,130 98.77 5,160,231
Item 12
Amendment of Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Articles of Incorporation (Election of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
421,195,596 62.29 416,032,074 98.77 5,163,522
Item 13
Amendment of Article 15, Paragraph 2 of the Articles of Incorporation (Proof of authorisation to participate in the Annual General Meeting)
421,183,564 62.28 421,115,851 99.98 67,713

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