Information about Managers‘ Transactions

Pursuant to article 19 MAR, members of management or supervisory boards of issuers are obliged to inform the issuer and the federal financial services supervisory office about acquisitions and disposals of, among other things, shares or other securities of the issuer. The members of the supervisory board imposed on themselves the obligation to spend 25 % of the fixed compensation agreed (unless it is relinquished) to buy RWE shares and hold these shares for the duration of their membership of the supervisory board. This self-imposed obligation accounts for most of the share purchases by this group of individuals.

With the entry into force of the law for the improvement of investor protection on October 30, 2004, the group of persons covered by this rule has been extended and now also includes persons who have regular access to insider information and are authorized to make significant business decisions. The issuer is also obliged to publish any such communication immediately. An obligation to inform about and announce any acquisitions and disposals of shares and other securities is also recommended by para 6.6 of the German Corporate Governance Code.

Accounts Payable activities: Process for submitting invoices

This message is an extension to our previous communication concerning all accounts payable activities for RWE being transferred to a new service provider, Capgemini.

The process for submitting invoices will change with immediate effect. All invoices must be submitted to the following address: [email protected]. Therefore, we advise that you update your systems with the new email address which has now replaced the former address [email protected].

Failure to update your records may result in a delay when making payments. Any invoices sent to the wrong address will be returned from February 2020 and you will be required to re-submit your invoice to the correct address.

Previous communication concerning our new service provider for all accounts payable activities can be accessed here: