Discover Renewables

Renewables are our future

Discover Renewables

Renewables are our future

Discover Renewables

Renewables are our future

Discover Renewables

Renewables are our future

Renewables are the key to the energy transition

RWE uses sunlight, onshore and offshore wind, water, and biomass from wood residues to generate energy that has no carbon footprint and thus forms the basis for a green future.

Globally, RWE is one of the largest providers of energy from renewables, and plays a key part in the energy transition. The company is forging ahead with the expansion of renewables in more than 20 countries on five continents, which takes it closer to a major objective: to achieve net zero by 2040. Germany offers particular potential for growth in this regard. After all, Germany is the only industrialised nation where both coal and nuclear energy have to be replaced in the very short term.

How RWE's portfolio will change by 2030

RWE will therefore also ramp up the pace at a national level, investing 11 billion in the years from 2024 until 2030 in the local expansion of offshore and onshore wind power, solar, storage systems, flexible back-up capacities and hydrogen. The company expects to invest a total of €55 billion in the expansion of renewables worldwide by 2030.

Learn more about the opportunities for electricity generation from the various primary energy sources, and RWE’s activities in these areas.

Our renewable energy sources

Solar energy

The sun’s power as a source of clean energy. We are driving forward the expansion of photovoltaics.

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Offshore Wind

We are no. 2 worldwide in offshore wind farms – discover why.

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Onshore Wind

We are driving forward the expansion of onshore wind power. This includes looking for land for our projects.

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Floating Offshore Wind

Leading the way towards competitive commercial-scale floating wind

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How RWE is actively helping to shape the age of hydrogen

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Battery storage systems

We store more – for a secure power supply in a world of renewables

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500 megawatts from hydropower form the backbone of renewable energies

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Biomass & Biogas: Fuels with a future

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Green molecules in liquid form.

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All project plans

The energy transition as the key to a green future. Discover our next projects.

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RWE global

The international footprint of the RWE business.

See where we are

Live generation data

Generation data of our power plants can be tracked live with our web portal for the transparency offensive.

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The renewables team of RWE

Are you interested in the energy supply system of the future, or would you like to work with RWE to make energy supply climate-neutral?

See here for an overview if you'd like to learn more about our international portfolio.

Our team will welcome any enquiries about our energy sources, projects or products.

Renewables Team global