RWE commissions Schönau photovoltaic plant in Saxony
RWE’s operational performance in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2020 exceeded expectations. In particular, Supply & Trading performed far better towards year end than assumed. Overall, this resulted in an outperformance of the outlook for fiscal 2020, based on preliminary figures. RWE Group’s adjusted EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) is expected to reach €3.2 billion and therefore to pass the upper end of the forecast range of €2.7 billion to €3.0 billion. Adjusted EBITDA in the core business is assumed to be €2.7 billion above the upper end of the forecast range of €2.15 billion to €2.45 billion. Adjusted EBIT for 2020 is expected to be €1.8 billion, against earnings forecast between €1.2 billion and €1.5 billion. Adjusted net income is expected to reach €1.2 billion, above the guidance of €0.85 billion to €1.15 billion.
“We confirm our dividend target of €0.85 per share for fiscal 2020 and we will propose this to our Annual General Meeting on 28 April 2021, which will be held virtually”, said Markus Krebber.
Performance in the core business per segment (preliminary earnings)
Next to RWEs core business, Coal/Nuclear showed strong increase compared to 2019 with an adjusted EBITDA expected at €559 million. This was in particular due to realised higher generation margins. Coal generation capacities will further decrease: RWE decommissioned its remaining hard coal-fired power stations in Germany at the end of 2020. Moreover, generation capacities based on lignite will be further reduced in line with the lignite phase-out act after the closure of the first unit end of last December.
All figures are preliminary. Final figures for fiscal 2020 will be released as planned on 16 March 2021.