War in Ukraine: RWE donates one million euros to support refugees

Essen, 2 March 2022

The images from Ukraine have shocked people to the core. It is hard to imagine the human suffering that the invasion entails for the country’s citizens. Hundreds of thousands are already fleeing their homeland to escape the horrors of war. RWE is donating one million euros, primarily to support aid organisations that are looking after Ukrainians arriving in Poland. As a direct neighbour to Ukraine, Poland is a place of refuge for many, and it needs help fast to receive and look after those arriving. 

The company is also supporting employees involved in humanitarian aid. 

Markus Krebber, CEO of RWE: “Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian population who have to suffer the horrors of a war. The attack on Ukraine not only goes against international law and the right of the Ukrainian population to self-determination, but also the desire of many Russians for peaceful relations. The invasion demonstrates in the most brutal way possible that we have to stand up for democracy, freedom and peace – they cannot be taken for granted.”


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