RWE Clean Energy, LLC

RWE signs 300 MW PPAs to provide solar power to Dominion Energy Virginia

Aerial view of a large solar farm surrounded by greenery and residential areas, featuring numerous solar panels on rows.
  • RWE has signed eight power purchase agreements (PPAs) with Dominion Energy Virginia to power more than 70,000 homes in the state
  • The solar energy will be supplied across seven projects, which include two currently under operation, one under construction and four under development

Austin, Texas, July 18, 2023

RWE, a leading renewable energy company, has signed eight long-term utility-scale PPAs with Dominion Energy Virginia for seven solar projects in the state totaling more than 300 megawatts (MW) capable of producing more than 750,000 megawatt hours of generation. As part of net-zero commitment, Dominion Energy plans to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

“We’re invigorated by our ability to help Dominion move forward with a slate of projects in its home state of Virginia that reduces its carbon footprint and helps get the industry closer to achieving net zero,” said Mark Noyes, CEO of RWE Clean Energy, a subsidiary of RWE AG. “As a company, we are well-positioned to leverage our vast experience to deliver the highest quality solar energy projects, optimizing costs, while providing tailor-made solutions to our customers.”

The utility-scale project portfolio includes:

  • Pleasant Hill Solar: 20 MW project located in the City of Suffolk, VA, which came online in April.
  • Watlington Solar: 20 MW project located in Halifax County, VA, which came online in June.
  • Wythe County Solar: 75 MW project located in Wythe County, VA, which is in construction and is expected to be online in 2024.
  • Switchgrass Solar: 69 MW project located in Suffolk County, VA, which is in development.
  • 360 Solar: 52 MW project located in Chesterfield County, VA, which is in development.
  • Groves Solar: 15 MW project located in Westmoreland County, VA, which is in development.
  • Harrisonburg Solar: 15 MW project located in Rockingham County, VA, which is in development.

These projects will contribute to Virginia’s diverse energy landscape and will help underpin a reliable energy grid allowing Dominion Energy Virginia to leverage the maximum benefit of carbon-free electric energy generation while reducing costs to ratepayers.

Each project has a PPA in place with Dominion Energy Virginia, the regulated utility company providing electricity to more than 2.8 million customers in the state. RWE Clean Energy will serve as the long-term owner-operator of each project.

One additional project, RWE Clean Energy’s Water Strider Solar, an 80-MW project in Halifax County, VA, also has a PPA with Dominion Energy Virginia and came online in the second quarter of 2021.

Beyond these utility-scale projects, RWE Clean Energy has an additional eight distributed energy resource (DER) PPAs for 24 MW, also contracted with Dominion Energy Virginia.

Together this portfolio of projects has the capacity to power more than 70,000 homes in the Old Dominion state.

RWE Clean Energy operates a renewable energy portfolio of about 8 gigawatts installed capacity, making it the number four renewable energy company in the U.S., and the second largest solar owner and operator in the U.S. RWE Clean Energy’s strong position in renewable energy is a result of combining RWE Renewables Americas with Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses, acquired by RWE in March 2023.

For more information, visit RWE Clean Energy.

Picture of a RWE Clean Energy solar project (Watlington Solar) for media use (credit: RWE) is available at the RWE Mediathek.


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