If you are not legally obliged to submit your invoice electronically in a country-specific way and following a predefined method or if you are not using Tradeshift (visit https://rwe.support.tradeshift.com for further information), please issue all your invoices including our complete purchase order number to:
- rechnung@rwe.com (for companies registered in Germany)
- invoice@rwe.com (for companies not registered in Germany)
By sending your invoice via email, you agree to its electronic acceptance and processing. To ensure that your electronically submitted invoice is not rejected but efficiently processed, please observe the following instructions.
When sending invoice as a PDF:
- The email may contain only one PDF file including supporting documents
- Attachments must not be password-protected
- The PDF sent by email must not exceed 9 MB in size
- The invoice must be addressed to the correct legal entity
When sending as an e-invoice:
- Exclusively according to EN16931
- The email may contain only one file (e.g., XML or PDF including embedded XML, along with all accompanying documents)
- Attachments must not be password-protected
- The invoice must be addressed to the correct legal entity
Of course, postal submissions are still accepted (addressed to "RWE Company Name", Central Invoice Receipt, D-45096 Essen) or using one of the local billing addresses in your country.
The Accounting Helpdesk is available for queries, reminders, and/or payment reminders at accounting_services@rwe.com.