The RWE Group made an early start on establishing digital solutions that went beyond basic power station operations. From its own video studio for in-house events and virtual meetings around the world to digital training sessions – the company makes content available Group-wide, internationally, everywhere.
The incorporation of Augmented Reality apps and the use of Virtual Reality glasses opens up new opportunities for RWE’s power station locations. Virtual safety lines and welding simulations that completely avoid hot sparks have long been part of its operating processes.
How do you reach as many people as possible these days? That’s the very question that Group Corporate Communications at RWE AG asked itself before the decision was taken to build an ultramodern video studio on the RWE Campus in Essen. The studio is now used for both video recordings and real-time live streams. The target group that’s able to view the video is selected based on the topic and purpose of the transmission, ranging from employees to the wider public. In addition, the team also provides support for virtual events, such as the Annual General Meeting of RWE AG or live interviews with media companies worldwide.
RWE is involved in many spectacular projects that are hard or even impossible for many non-participants to access, and are thus also not possible to view in person. This is where photos and videos come in. In addition to photographs taken with standard cameras, RWE also uses drones, remote-controlled devices that can photograph subjects that are either in a high location or at a great distance. That’s a way for spectacular images to be shared all over the world, whether via the company’s website, its social media channels, or in presentations.
However, RWE doesn’t use remote-controlled cameras only for photography and video recordings. It’s also a way for locations that are difficult or costly to reach, such as spots high up on power stations or wind turbines, to be viewed from close up and checked for any maintenance work that may be required.
The Experiencing/Humanising Renewables WebAR is directed at potential customers of RWE, such as sizeable companies with a signed Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) that want to encourage their own customers to pay more attention to the topic of energy procurement using wind or solar power. Interaction as part of the Augmented Reality (AR) Experience – an example of integrating animated content in the real world – gives end customers a better understanding of where renewable, green energy comes from. By supplying the performance data for a power plant, the product can create added value as it communicates both transparency and training content. It’s an entertaining and appealing way for WebAR users to experience how a company or brand is approaching sustainability. The WebAR Experience can be individually adapted to include a company’s name and logo, and the background and widgets can also be customised.
By scanning a QR code placed on the products of the company in question, users can immerse themselves in a personalised WebAR experience that welcomes discovery via either desktop or mobile devices. Besides bringing renewables to life in this way, the WebAR Experience simultaneously serves as a key to further differentiating the RWE PPA package from competitor products. And the innovative “Humanising Renewables” tool moves the boundaries of what an energy utility can provide, enabling RWE to act both innovatively and transparently.