Sustainability is the key to a green future

With our numerous existing generating assets and those already under construction, new horizons beyond fossil fuels are opening up. All of our projects are developed with a firm focus on the future – a future where energy is generated from renewable sources. Because in a world threatened by climate change, it is no longer just about the electricity supply itself, but also about how it is produced.

In the coming years, RWE will invest several billion euros in projects in Europe, the USA and other parts of the world.

The Matterhorn mountain rises majestically in the background. Sun rays burst over the peak and reflect in the clear lake.

Engineers, developers, technicians and scientists are working together on innovative ideas and the realisation of new technologies. From conceptualisation to implementation: we keep you up to date on a selection of current projects, including our partnership with BASF.

Projects under development and construction with just one click

The interactive project map shows the locations where RWE is currently realising the expansion of renewable energy with a whole range of projects. The drop-down menu above the map allows you to filter the results both by location type, country* and by energy source. For further information on each project, use the link in the location-based map to go to the respective detailed page.

RWE as a leading project partner for industry and research

A number of major international power plant projects have been connected to the grid by the Group in recent years, representing the biggest investment programme in the company's history. In 2019, a completely new chapter began to focus on the global expansion of renewable energy. Working with our partners, we will be realising many renewables projects every year.

This primarily refers to technologies such as offshore and onshore wind power as well as photovoltaics. But RWE is also active in the decommissioning and dismantling of conventional power plants and the recultivation of land at our sites.

Below you will find a selection of our most recent projects and investments. You can find detailed information about current progress, the goals we are striving for, our project partners and much more on the corresponding overview pages.

Overview of current projects

Hydrogen pipeline in the North Sea

RWE and Equinor secure the supply of hydrogen-capable gas-fired power plants

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Hydrogen project development

RWE is a leader in project development on new H2 technologies.

To our projects

Floating Offshore Wind

Leading the way towards competitive commercial-scale floating wind

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RWE and BASF: Cooperation for climate protection

Green electricity for a CO2-neutral chemical industry and green hydrogen

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RWE Innovation Centre

A centre for the future of the energy supply system.

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RWE at the Brunsbüttel location

New flagship projects for LNG and hydrogen.

More about the location

Offshore wind farm Kaskasi

Technological research in RWE's sixth wind farm off the German coast

To the offshore wind farm

This map is based on Google data. The terminology used within the underlying map is determined by Google and may vary from region to region.

* The term “country” contains states, provinces and territorites and is used without prejudice to the RWE AG position on the status of any given country or region.