Floating Wind Co-use Competition

Image credits: TetraSpar Demonstrator ApS

Floating Wind Co-use Competition

Image credits: Saitec Offshore Technologies DemoSATH Demonstrator

As a market leader in floating wind, RWE is dedicated to exploring and supporting innovative solutions that can accelerate the pace of safe deployment of floating wind to de-risk the technology and contribute to a sustainable future.

RWE has ambitious targets to:

  • have net-zero carbon emissions by 2040

  • have more than 9 GW of offshore wind capacity deployed by 2030

  • ensure that all new assets beginning operation in or after 2030 have a net-positive impact on biodiversity

To achieve these targets RWE has committed to investing €55 billion in the expansion of renewable energies between 2024 and 2030, and to be a trailblazer in the rollout of promising innovations. In addition, sustainability is an integral part of RWE’s corporate strategy, with a focus on the benefits of our projects for local communities and biodiversity enhancement.

Floating wind is a promising technology with strong global potential and RWE is well-placed to be a market leader in the future. As part of this, we want to find innovative solutions which promote biodiversity, reduce ecological impact and create a mutually beneficial relationship between floating development and local marine stakeholders.

About the competition

We strive to make a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate, and recognise that early, consistent and open communication with all of our stakeholders is paramount. We are actively engaging with other ocean users to identify challenges and suitable measures to promote co-use.

RWE has a strong focus on ensuring sustainable floating wind development and we want to accelerate our efforts to find practical, high-impact opportunities that can be deployed on commercial-scale projects.

Therefore, RWE is launching a global “Floating Wind Co-use Competition” that is seeking innovative and sustainable solutions for the following two categories:

RWE Image
Image credits: TetraSpar Demonstrator ApS

1. Methods to promote co-use of marine space with other sea users to support local marine stakeholders (especially fisheries)

The solutions can be technological, commercial, knowledge-based, or other innovative strategies. This competition is focused on solutions for RWE’s international floating project portfolio.

RWE Image
Image credits: Saitec Offshore Technologies DemoSATH Demonstrator

2. Methods to reduce the ecological impact on wildlife and/or positively impact biodiversity.

The solutions can be technological, commercial, knowledge-based, or other innovative strategies. This competition is focused on solutions for RWE’s international floating project portfolio.

Winners will...

  • RWE Image

Get access to RWE’s global floating wind portfolio, which includes projects in Europe, Asia and America.

  • RWE Image

Get the opportunity to network with RWE’s in-house floating wind experts, with the potential for knowledge sharing and future collaborations.

  • RWE Image

Be eligible for a monetary research grant to further develop their idea, subject to an assessment.

  • RWE Image

Potentially have the opportunity to deploy their technology at one of RWE’s floating wind project sites.

RWE’s international floating wind portfolio

RWE’s ambition is to safely develop, build and operate cost competitive, sustainable, commercial-scale floating wind projects around the world. To achieve this vision:

We’re actively involved in several high-profile demonstration projects.

See our demonstration projects

We have secured a commercial-scale 1.6GW floating wind seabed lease off the coast of California in the USA.

Read more

We are preparing for auctions in France, Norway and the UK.

Read more

We are developing a global portfolio in Asia-Pacific, Europe and the USA.

RWE Floating Wind Development Portfolio

Click on the image to zoom


00 October 2023

Opening of competition

00 December 2023

Closing of competition

00 January 2024

Short-listing and invitation to pitching event

19 - 00 February 2024

Pitching event

February 00

Technical and commercial discussions

Autumn 00

Award winners of the competition

Examples of innovative solutions supported by RWE


RWE supports development of new self-erecting crane system for wind turbines

Read more

ARC Marine

ARC Marine develops solutions to improve the ecosystem impact of offshore windfarms.

Read more

Recyclable blades

RWE tests world's first recyclable wind turbine blade

Read more