A complex arrangement of pipes and valves in an industrial setting. The pipes are made of metal and are well organised.
RWE Innovation Centre – Carbon capture

Carbon capture

As part of a number of European research projects, RWE is forging ahead with developing what’s known as CO2 scrubbing. This method can be used to separate CO2 from the exhaust gas from industrial processes and thus avoid carbon emissions. The captured CO2 can then be used in the manufacture of fuels and base chemicals, and for energy storage.

A pilot facility for CO2 scrubbing, the first such plant at a power station in Germany, was constructed at the Niederaussem Innovation Centre in collaboration with BASF and Linde. One of the things intended to establish which scrubbing agents can be used to purify the flue gas of CO2 most efficiently and cost-effectively.

The pilot facility at the Innovation Centre captures about 300 kg of carbon dioxide per hour. That equates to a carbon capture rate of 90 percent based on the volume of flue gas processed. The facility has an excellent availability rating, in excess of 97 percent, and it has been in almost continuous operation since 2009.

The process and the technology needed for CO2 scrubbing are designed to enable a wide range of industrial processes to be equipped with the facilities in question. These include biomass, waste and sewage sludge combustion plants, and also cement and steel works.

Projects to refine the CO2 scrubbing process

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