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Ratings & Rankings

Sustainability performance at a glance

RWE’s non-financial performance in the area of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) is assessed by various rating agencies.This helps investors and potential business partners in their decision-making. Such ratings are becoming more and more important for other stakeholders too, such as the public, the political sphere and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The detailed evaluation of the results also helps us to identify potential for improvement in various areas.

RWE in important ESG ratings (as of 1st of February 2024)

MSCI ESG Ratings

MSCI ESG Ratings

Result: A
(February 2024)

AAA to CCC (AAA = top mark)

MSCI ESG assesses the ESG performance of companies about once a year on the basis of 37 key indicators. Its ana­lysts focus on the overlap bet­ween the core business of a company and potential challenges in the sector that could involve significant risks and opportunities for it. Com­panies are assessed in com­parison to the standards and performance of their industry peers.



Result: 23.3 
(April 2023)

100 to 0 in overall risk rating Score (0 = top mark, exept management score)

  • Exposure Score: 67.0 (high)
  • Management Score: 70.0 (strong)

The analysts at Sustainalytics analyse and assess the sus­tainability performance of companies and countries with­in the scope of the annual Sustainalytics Risk Rating Report. This ESG risk rating determines the extent to which a company is exposed to major industry-specific risks and how well it manages these risks.

Corporate ESG Performance (ISS ESG)

Corporate ESG Performance (ISS ESG)

Result: B-, Prime Status
(July 2023)

A+ to D- (A+ = top mark)

Under the umbrella of ISS, ISS ESG Corporate Rating (for­mer­ly Oekom ESG Rating) assesses the sustainability performance and trans­par­en­cy of com­pa­nies using around 100 industry-specific criteria.

ISS E&S Disclosure and Governance Quality Score

ISS E&S Disclosure and Governance Quality Score

Environment: 3
Social: 1
Governance: 1
(January 2024)

1 to 10 (1 = top mark)

Under the umbrella of ISS, ISS Corporate Solutions analyses the ESG performance of com­panies and seeks to identify potential ESG risks at an early stage with a real-time assess­ment based on an Environment & Social Quality Score and a Governance Quality Score. The scores give an indication of the quality of the company’s data transparency and the re­la­tive quality of ESG performance compared to the industry group.

Moody's | ESG Solutions

Moody's | ESG Solutions

Result: 61/100
(July 2023)

Index Inclusion Euronext Vigeo indices: Eurozone 120<(sup>

Moody's ESG Solutions is a business unit of Moody’s Corporation serving the growing global demand for ESG and climate insights. Moody's ESG Solutions assesses companies as part of an in-depth analysis.

Learn more at moodys.com/esg-solutions.

More rankings

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Result: Climate Change: A-
(February 2024)

A to D, F for insufficient data (A = top mark)

Each year, CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) assesses companies on the quality and level of ambition in dealing with environmental challenges. Through its plat­form it asks companies to provide a wide range of in­for­mation and data, which are then made available to in­ves­tors for further analysis. CDP Climate Change focuses on climate-related indicators and information

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Result: Water Security: C
(February 2024)

A to D, F for insufficient data (A = top mark)

Each year, CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) assesses companies on the quality and level of ambition in dealing with environmental challenges. Through its plat­form it asks companies to provide a wide range of in­for­mation and data, which are then made available to in­ves­tors for further analysis. CDP Water Security focuses on indicators and information pertaining to water management.

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Result: Supplier Engagement: Leadership
(March 2023)

CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) evaluates the quality and level of ambition in dealing with environmental challenges every year. Via its own platform, companies are asked to provide a wide range of information and data, which is then made available to investors for further analysis. The CDP questions on "Supply Chain" support suppliers in identifying climate change risks and recognising opportunities.

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