Jobs in Sweden

Interview with Karolina, Project Developer for Onshore Wind at RWE Renewables Sweden AB

“If we succeed in developing my current project, it would mean electricity production for 60,000 households. It feels awesome!”

Hi Karolina! Can you tell us a little more about your company and what your role is?

RWE Renewables is one of the largest global players in renewable energy. In Sweden, we operate, build and develop onshore and offshore wind farms. I work as a project developer and my job is to develop new onshore wind energy projects. I make sure that we optimize electricity production while developing the planned wind farm in a way that takes into account various national interests such as cultural and natural environment.

What did you study and why did you choose your major?

I studied natural science at high school and then Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University in Lund, Sweden. I chose to study Mechanical Engineering because it is a broad education that offers many options. I wanted an education that would provide me with lots of opportunities for growth at work and a well-paid, fun job. 

What is your typical day like at work?

At the moment I am working on preparing the application for an environmental permit. To do that, we need to carry out various investigations such as bird, bat, natural environment and cultural environment investigations. My job is to ensure that the work is being carried out at the right time, place and of high quality. I work as the spider in the web and make sure that everyone gets the information they need. The work is varied and new information often appears that changes the conditions, which means that I have to adapt the planning and execution continuously.

How is working life different from student life?

In school, there are usually correct and incorrect answers. In your work life however, you will come across situations, strategic problems and tasks that have no ready solutions. In addition, there are often many different ways to solve challenges. It is up to you to choose how to do it. It's fun but it was also a bit scary at first.


What is the most fun part about your job?

I learn new things every day and I have many inspiring and fun colleagues. The renewable energy expansion is highly relevant today when the climate crisis, energy security and energy prices are discussed daily. If we succeed in developing my current project, it would mean electricity production for 60,000 households. It feels awesome and I’m motivated to contribute to the energy transition and sustainable development.

What advice would you give to high school students?

Choose an engineering education! It gives you the opportunity for a fun, interesting job with good working conditions. It doesn't really matter which direction you choose. My job can be done by many different engineering majors. What you learn as an engineer is problem solving, and that is the most important thing when you enter working life. Even if it doesn't feel that relevant to you right now, it can be good to think about what work environment you would like to have in the future. Do you want to have the opportunity to work remotely? Not all jobs allow that. I can also guarantee that you will have fun while studying. If you choose a student city like Lund, there are an endless possibilities, different activities and many student groups to get involved in. You’ll meet friends for life. 

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