Meet Theresa, who so far in her professional life has only got to know RWE with its new direction. She has been working as a graduate trainee at RWE Renewables Europe & Australia GmbH for one year. This gives the 27-year-old the opportunity to work in different areas of the renewables business. Right from the start, there were two essential cornerstones of her new world: offshore operations and the strategy department. In Offshore Operations, she helped to ensure that the Arkona wind farm in the Baltic Sea was able to return to the grid one day earlier than planned after the first annual maintenance of the offshore substation. In the strategy department she is involved in setting the renewables growth targets for the future.
"What I like most about my job is that we try to achieve our goals together as a team," says Theresa. As an example, she cites her work in Offshore Operations, where the success of Arkona's first annual substation maintenance was celebrated with pizza. Basically, the department takes care of keeping our wind farms running and minimising downtime. In short: ensuring the highest possible energetic availability. All in a day’s work for #TEAMRWE.
If you ask Theresa how she would describe RWE in three words, the first thing that comes to her mind is "experienced". Then the fact that there are many of us, and the teams are becoming more and more diverse. This last point is very important to her as well as team spirit. She describes the perfect #TEAMRWE player as follows: "This person puts the team in first place, but also notices when something is not going well with a team member, be it professionally or privately." She believes that if we trust each other and are passionate about what we do, "then we can deliver our best performance" - these are the RWE values trust, passion and performance in one sentence.
Theresa liked the purpose of RWE - Our energy for a sustainable life - right from the start: "Because it means that we are continuously working to become ever greener and more sustainable.”
Would you like to know more about Theresa? You can find a longer video interview here.