Moira and Yan Ling tell how they started as buddies and became friends

Who doesn't enjoy making new friends?

Two women stand side by side. Graphics and symbols surround them, including mugs, speech bubbles, and a laptop.

Moira and Yan Ling both live in Singapore, studied at Nanyang Technological University, are in their early twenties and are completing the "Commercial Graduate" programme at RWE Supply & Trading - a lot in common and thus the best prerequisites for becoming buddies! Especially when one of them has been at RWE for a while, has gained more experience and can support the other with useful tips and advice. In an interview, the two tell us how this has worked out in recent months despite the Corona pandemic.


A person stands by a railing in a blooming garden with mountain views and a small pond in the background.

Moira started the Commercial Graduate programme at RWE Supply & Trading in July 2019. She is currently going through her final rotation in the Essen “Short term gas portfolio management” team. Before joining RWE, she studied electrical and electronic engineering at Nanyang Technological University.

A person sits by the shore, wearing a black leather jacket and looking at the sea, with mountains visible in the background.
Yan Ling Sim

Yan Ling has been working at RWE for eight months, she started the Commercial Graduate programme at RWE Supply & Trading in the summer of 2020. She has just started her second rotation in the London “Structuring & Valuation" team. Previously, she studied Chemical Engineering and Marketing at Nanyang Technological University.  

The interview

Did you know each other before you officially became buddies?

Yan Ling: We met for the first time at the assessment centre, but we didn't have the opportunity to talk much there. When I started at RWE in the summer of 2020, Moira was working from home due to the Corona pandemic. Nevertheless, she immediately got in touch with me via Skype and offered me her support.

Moira: Shortly before Yan Ling started at RWE, the HR colleagues asked me if I would like to be her buddy. Of course, I accepted immediately - being a buddy means being a friend to me. And who doesn't enjoy making new friends?

So Moira was able to help you with your first steps as a graduate at RWE, Yan Ling?

Yan Ling: Definitely. It was good to have Moira by my side as a buddy from day one. She started as a graduate not too long ago, so she knew exactly which topics I could use her support with, such as the rotation system. She explained to me how and where I could apply for my various positions during the programme. But the other colleagues on my first rotation in Singapore also helped me a lot. Everyone is very helpful - so you could say that I have not just one, but quite a few buddies.   

Moira, you are currently completing your last rotation. When you look back on your graduate programme so far, what have you enjoyed the most?  

Moira: That's easy: the fact that I was free to choose my rotations. The programme consists of four rotations, each lasting half a year, for which you need to go through interviews every time. It's a pity that I couldn't travel because of Corona but I still had a great time with the “US Gas & Power” team based in Essen remotely for my second rotation. I’m currently starting my last rotation in the “Short term gas portfolio management” team based in Essen, waiting for the internal travel ban to be lifted so that I can fly over to physically meet my team. Despite such unusual circumstances, I was still able to learn a lot in each team and really find out what I enjoy most.  

Yan Ling, you are still at the very beginning of your training at RWE. What are you particularly looking forward to? And how can you benefit from Moira's experience?  

Yan Ling: I'm most looking forward to working in the various RWE offices to get to know my colleagues from different departments and to understand the RWE corporate structure better. Once travelling will be allowed again, I'm sure I'll enjoy living and working in a completely different country and learning to appreciate the local culture. Moira recommended the rotation in the Essen "US Gas & Power" team, for example, as she had a great experience at that desk, even while working remotely from Singapore. So I proceeded to have a chat with the team’s manager during one of the Graduate Networking Days. Even though I didn't end up applying for that desk as I had a different goal in mind, I still had a really insightful conversation with the manager and I have both him and Moira to thank for that. 

How did you exchange such valuable tips? Have you established fixed "buddy formats"?  

Moira: We exchange information through all kinds of channels - Skype, smartphone and emails. Now that the lockdown in Singapore is over, we also have the opportunity to see each other in the office – of course while observing all the hygiene regulations. So we are constantly in contact.  

Yan Ling: In the meantime, we are more than just work colleagues, I would say we have become real friends. So we also chat privately via WhatsApp, for example.  

That sounds great! What is typical for you two being buddies and friends? 

Moira: We're just trying to enjoy life and not to be so stressed - with a good buddy by your side that's even easier!  

Yan Ling: And we both think in Chinese sometimes!  

Many thanks for the interview.

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