- ... Nhans job and how she come to work for RWE
- ... if her expectations match the reality
- ... what surprised Nhan the most when she started
- ... the highlights working for RWE so far
- ... what Nhan likes most about working as IT Solution Engineer at RWE
- ... what Nhan is looking forward to
- ... how you can get tips for joining RWE
RWE is growing internationally and every day new colleagues join #TEAMRWE. Therefore, our new Joiner-Mover-Leaver process at RWE support these new joiners. Today, we start a series with joiners from all over RWE. Find out how their first months were, what surprised them here at RWE and why they choose to become part of #TEAMRWE.
In the first part of the series, we introduce you to IT Solution Engineer Nhan, from RWE Renewables. She describes herself as an IT enthusiast, motivated to develop her career at RWE: “Actively being a part of the global movement has always been a dream of mine.“