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Contacts you can trust

External contact partners

Our external contact partners at the law firm Pohlmann & Company support the RWE Group in cooperation with partner law firms when it comes to compliance with the RWE Code of Conduct. It is not only our staff who may contact the firm, but also third parties, such as suppliers or other business partners, who are welcome to get in touch with the external contact partner at any time. If you gain knowledge of violations of the Code of Conduct (such as corruption, money laundering, antitrust violations, etc.), you can turn to the external contact.

Any information received is summarised and forwarded to the Chief Compliance Officer at RWE AG, who decides upon the necessary course of action. Usually, the information is checked and all necessary measures are adopted to remedy any irregularities. Of course, the external contact partner treats the name and contact details of the informing party as confidential and generally will only forward it to the company with their prior agreement. The informing party does not have to fear any repercussions as a result of sharing the information, provided that the information was not unknowingly or intentionally untrue.


North & South America


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RWE Compliance

RWE Platz 1
45141 Essen