Battery storage systems are an essential component of the energy transition because they store energy during an overproduction of electricity in the grid and then release it again when it is needed. RWE is currently operating battery storage projects with a capacity of around 1,200 MW worldwide, and is continuously expanding this battery storage portfolio. RWE commissioned a large-scale storage facility in December 2024 and February 2025 in North Rhine-Westphalia. A total of 690 blocks of lithium-ion batteries were installed at the Neurath and Hamm sites. By opting for the sites of its existing power plants, RWE is able to take advantage of the synergy of combined technologies. The prefabricated batteries were erected in a cabinet design, utilising surfaces that are already available, and connected to the existing grid infrastructure.
Intelligent networks to optimise utilisation of the power plant fleet
The system reacts within seconds and can provide its power over the duration of one hour. Thereby the system contributes to the stabilisation of the grid and to a reliable power supply.
RWE benefits from its many years of expertise in the field of energy storage - project planning, modeling, system integration and commissioning of the project are all handled by RWE autonomously. The group-wide joint project is a successful example of structural change. With this storage facility, traditional power plant sites can make an exemplary contribute to the German and European energy supply.

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Key figures for the battery storage project in Hamm and Neurath
battery blocks
surface area
maximum output
million euros
total investment
construction start
planned commissioning