Aerial view of a large reservoir surrounded by forests, featuring a water tower and a river in the background.
Herdecke pumped-storage power plant | RWE

Pumped-storage power plant


Facts and figures

Power plant location Herdecke, North Rhine-Westphalia
Power plant type Pumped-storage power plant
Commissioned in 1989
Head 145.5 to 166.4 meters
Water flow 101.7 m3/sec (pump operation), 110 m3/sec (turbine operation) 
Electrical output 153,590 kW (pump operation), 162,000 kW (turbine operation)
Efficiency 75%

Biggest pumped-storage power plant in North Rhine-Westphalia

With our Herdecke pumped-storage power plant, we can store electricity and release it at short notice whenever the demand arises. The successor to the old Koepchenwerk pumped-storage power plant functions like a battery on the power grid: during times of low electricity demand and high feed-in from renewables, water is pumped from the Hengsteysee reservoir into the storage reservoir at the higher level. When the need arises, for example in times of high demand for electricity and low, strongly fluctuating feed-in, the water can then be released again downward, through a pipe that connects the upper reservoir with the lower Hengsteysee reservoir. The generating set consists of a reversible pump-turbine and a motor-generator. Maximum output can be achieved in less than two minutes from standstill. 

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