Aerial view of a large industrial complex with smokestacks, storage tanks, and cooling towers, surrounded by greenery and roads.
Knapsacker Hügel lignite-fired power plant | RWE

Lignite-fired power plant and lignite refinement

Knapsacker Hügel / Berrenrath

Facts and figures

Power plant location Hürth-Knapsack, North Rhine-Westphalia
Power plant type Lignite-fired power plant with process steam extraction 
Commissioned in 1992
Fuel Lignite
Capacity Up to 5.0 million t/a raw lignite
Factory equipment 14 driers, 10 vibration rod mills, 1 bowl mill crusher


Electricity generation and lignite refinement

The plant on Knapsacker Hügel comprises the Berrenrath and Goldenberg operations. The power plant supplies the Berrenrath factory with steam and electricity and also the Knapsack technology and chemical park, the neighbouring facilities of Rhein Papier GmbH and Hürth municipal services. The Berrenrath factory produces pulverised lignite for industrial customers (Lignite Energy Pulverized).

Knapsacker Hügel power plant 

The electricity and steam required for transporting and drying the lignite is generated in the power plants on Knapsacker Hügel. The circulating fluidised-bed system operates at around 850˚C and therefore produces significantly less nitrogen oxide than conventional, hotter power plant boilers. Magnesium and calcium from the lignite bond the gaseous sulphur dioxide to the ashes. 

Sustainable use of energy

Co-firing of additional, approved materials (sewage sludge and secondary fuels) makes it possible to dispose of waste material in an environmentally sound manner. The power plant works with combined heat and power and thus utilises the energy contained in the fuels as efficiently as possible.

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Berrenrath factory

In the facilities in Hürth-Berrenrath (Rhein-Erft district) pulverised lignite is produced exclusively for industrial customers in vibration rod mills, a bowl mill crusher and from exhaust air. In terms of organisation and mining licences, the Berrenrath factory is part of the Frechen factory.

The vibration rod mills

The vibration rod mills are made up of two parallel, interlinked mill drums each, which are filled around two thirds with metallic grinding rods. The rods are put into vibration through an unbalanced rotary motion. The prepared and dried lignite is ground between the rods to the required fineness.

The bowl mill crusher

Here, the lignite is pulverised by grinding the dried lignite with large milling rollers. Up to 100 t/h of dried lignite are processed, which is prepared in tubular driers.

Extracting pulverised lignite from exhaust air

Pulverised lignite is also extracted from the exhaust vapours from the tubular driers using electrostatic filters. The electricity and steam required for transporting and drying the lignite is generated in the power plant at the Berrenrath refining factory. The circulating fluidised-bed system operates at around 850˚C and therefore produces significantly less nitrogen oxide than conventional, hotter power plant boilers. Magnesium and calcium from the lignite bond the gaseous sulphur dioxide to the ashes. 

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