Wind turbines stand amid blooming fields and a grey sky in a rural setting.
Onshore wind farm Bedburg A44 n | RWE

New wind farm on former opencast mining site in Garzweiler

Onshore wind farm Bedburg A 44n

Another wind farm with municipal participation is connected to the grid: The “Bedburg A 44n” wind farm is situated on a recultivated former opencast mining site near the motorway section of the same name. The five wind turbines have an installed capacity of 5.7 megawatts each and a hub height of 164 metres. They are able to generate enough green electricity to meet the annual needs of 28,000 households - more than the city’s citizens and businesses consume.

Just like nearby Königshovener Höhe wind farm (67.2 MW), the Bedburg A 44n project is a joint venture of RWE Renewables Europe & Australia (51 percent) with the City of Bedburg (49 percent).

Status: In operation

Facts & figures


Wind turbines

00 m

Hub height of wind turbines

Electricity for 00

households annually

00 MW

Planned installed capacity



00 years

Wind farm experience from RWE

North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Rhenish mining area in particular, is one of our focus areas within our growth strategy, which involves a gross investment of 4 billion euros by the end of this decade. We want to realise every wind and solar project that is possible. To ensure that the energy transition succeeds, we also focus on successful partnerships with municipalities. We are pleased that we have been able to successfully commission another wind farm together with the city of Bedburg.

Katja Wünschel, CEO of RWE Renewables Europe & Australia GmbH

Impressions of our onshore wind project

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RWE Renewables Europe & Australia GmbH

RWE Platz 4
45141 Essen