Business areas | Procurement, trading, energy-related financial services, private equity investments |
Facts about the company |
Our team of energy trading specialists comprises around 2,000 employees from more than 70 countries. The majority of them work in Essen, Germany. The company's headquarters in the city is home to Europe’s largest and most advanced energy trading floor. The company also operates international trading floors in London and Swindon as well as subsidiaries, associated companies or branch offices in Gertruidenberg, Prague, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, New York, Jakarta, Mumbai and Tokyo. |
Locations & Directions |
Essen, Germany (headquarters) |
RWE Supply & Trading is the interface between RWE and the energy markets around the world. Around 2,000 employees from over 70 different countries trade electricity, gas, commodities, and CO2 emission allowances. We are active not only in Essen, which is home to one of the world’s largest trading floors, but also in major cities like London and New York and in key growth markets – particularly in Asia, where we are represented in Singapore and China.
With precise market analysis and a strong customer focus, we create innovative energy supply solutions and risk management concepts for industrial companies.
Now that all of our renewable activities are integrated within RWE, RWE Supply & Trading can increasingly offer customised products and services from a single source, such as a combination of renewables plus control energy or conventional electricity. We are also able to draw on our considerable experience in the marketing of electricity from renewables. Deutsche Bahn (German Rail), for instance, is one of the key accounts choosing to purchase “green” power from RWE Supply & Trading.
In order to optimise our conventional RWE power plants, we work in close collaboration with the operating units of our generating companies RWE Power and RWE Generation. We are also proactive in the promising gas and LNG (liquefied natural gas) markets.
RWE Supply & Trading stands for responsible trading practices carried out with integrity. Our aim is to enhance transparency in our supply chains and markets where we operate. Therefore, we set leading standards for ecological (E), social (S) and responsible governance (G) in global energy and commodity trade.
For RWE, respect for human rights is a fundamental component of responsible corporate management. It is RWE's claim and goal that human rights are respected on its sites and within the Group's supply chains. RWE has, therefore, developed a systematic approach to respecting human rights and implemented it into the ESG Risk Management System.
To ensure the responsible procurement of fuels for RWE's power stations and a responsible and future-proof trading business, RWE Supply & Trading is also collaborating with strong partners, associations, and organisations.
The LkSG came into force on 1 January 2023. It prescribes the anchoring of appropriate preventive measures vis-à-vis a direct supplier. RWE expressly supports the LkSG and provides its customers with information via this platform to check RWE Supply & Trading as a supplier.