In 2023, the Executive Board of RWE AG reaffirmed its commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities through the updated Inclusion Action Plan, which was first signed in 2014. With this newly implemented plan, RWE is ensuring the inclusion of people with disabilities in all corporate activities. All companies of the RWE Group are adhering to this newly signed commitment.
The positive impact of the Inclusion Action Plan can be seen in a very consistent employment rate of people with disabilities, in the provision of traineeships for young people with disabilities, and in sustainable, barrier-free and accessible jobs for people who are otherwise impaired in their participation in working life.
The Social Charter and the Diversity Charter in Europe are taken into account in our inclusive corporate culture and day-to-day business, as they are effectively implemented through awareness-raising campaigns and targeted measures in human resource development, training, employment and health, as well as in workplace design and accessibility. Our efforts to create a more inclusive culture for people with disabilities are also co-designed and monitored by our employee representatives.