Two hands shake with wind turbines and a city skyline in the background, symbolising collaboration and sustainability.

EEG direct marketing / Individual direct marketing (PPA)

Products and services for direct marketing

EEG Direct Marketing

The renumeration of your asset generation volumes from subsidised EEG plants is in accordance with the market premium model at the monthly published technology specific market price. The market premium is settled directly by the operator from the receiving grid operator.

Other direct marketing and PPAs

The renumeration of your asset generation volumes in individual direct marketing can be settled at the monthly published technology-specific market price, or at the EPEX Spot Price as well as at fixed price (PPA). RWEST also buys the certificate of origin (GoO) issued for the delivered electricity quantities.

Switch option in direct marketing

RWEST offers you the possibility to switch between direct marketing or individual direct marketing according to the market premium model within the term of the contract.

Guarantees of Origin

RWEST quotes or purchases the HGoO emitted from your renewable assets at a fixed price. The issuing and transfer of the GoO takes place within the register of the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt).

Redispatch 2.0

RWEST undertakes the market role of the ”Einsatzverantwortlicher” (EIV) and the ”Betreiber der technischen Ressoruce” (BTR) for marketed generation plants within Redispatch 2.0 process in accordance with the implementation regulations and decisions of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).

Ancillary Services

We offer the marketing of asset flexibilities (ancillary services) as an additional source of revenue, e.g. for biomass or run-of-river power plants in the secondary control reserve (aFRR) or minute reserve (mFRR). 

To D-Central

White label solution for your portfolio

On request, RWEST can also carry out the direct marketing of your portfolio or of your customer´s generation plants as a “white label solution” for you. We take care of all the processes in the background whereby you remain as the contact and contractual partner of your customers. 

Request for Proposal

We will be happy to make you an individual offer for direct marketing.

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