RWE rolls out its community fund in the Normandy and Hauts-de-France regions
With the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of RWE AG on 30 April 2025, the term of office of Dr. Werner Brandt, who already announced last year that he would not stand for re-election, will end.
At the close of the Annual General Meeting, the terms of office of Dr. Hans Bünting, Hauke Stars, Helle Valentin, Mag. Dr. h.c. Monika Kircher and Thomas Kufen will also end. All five members have indicated their willingness to serve for a further term.
After careful consideration, the Nomination Committee of the Supervisory Board has selected Dr. Stefan Schulte, Chairman of the Executive Board of Fraport AG, as the candidate for the seat on the Supervisory Board of RWE AG that is becoming vacant.
All candidates will be proposed for election or re-election at the Annual General Meeting on 30 April 2025, in line with the recommendation of the Nomination Committee.
Dr. Werner Brandt, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of RWE AG: “I am pleased that RWE will be able to continue the work on the Supervisory Board with a high degree of personnel continuity, as all five candidates are available for a further term of office on the Supervisory Board. With Dr. Schulte, a further outstanding individual has been attracted. With his proven expertise, he is ideally suited to further enrich the broad skills profile of the Supervisory Board.”
Upon the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting on 30 April, the new Supervisory Board will elect a new chairperson from among its members at a constituent meeting following the Annual General Meeting.