RWE Supply & Trading GmbH

New management team at RWE Supply & Trading

A man and a woman stand side by side. The woman wears a black top, while the man is in a dark suit with a light blue tie.
  • Original team member of RWE Supply & Trading Andree Stracke to become CEO
  • Gunhild Grieve succeeds Michael Müller as CFO

Essen, 22. April 2021

A man in a suit and tie stands in a modern, bright room with windows in the background, portrait of Dr Markus Krebber.

“Andree Stracke has helped to build  RWE Supply & Trading from day one. As CEO of the company he will now forge ahead with the internationalisation of the trading business together with his team. We are also delighted that Gunhild Grieve, a highly experienced and knowledgeable financial market expert, is taking over as CFO.”

Markus Krebber, CFO der RWE AG

The RWE AG Executive Board has appointed Andree Stracke Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of RWE Supply & Trading. He will assume the office on 1 May. Stracke has worked at RWE Supply & Trading since 1999 and has been a member of the management team since 2015. 

Gunhild Grieve will also assume her new position of Chief Financial Officer on 1 May 2021. She is succeeding Michael Müller who will take up the position of CFO at RWE AG, also on 1 May. Grieve’s background is in investment banking. She joined the RWE Group in 2008. In 2016, she took over the Investor Relations division, most recently she was Head of Controlling & Risk Management at RWE AG. The other members of the management team will be Peter Krembel as CCO Trading, with responsibility for the trading business, and Ulf Kerstin as CCO, who will be responsible for commercial asset optimisation.

RWE Supply & Trading provides the interface between RWE and energy markets around the globe. Some 1,600 employees from 40 countries trade electricity, gas, commodities and CO2 emission certificates. With highly accurate market analyses and a strong customer focus they create innovative green electricity and energy supply solutions as well as risk management concepts for industrial enterprises. The trading company is also responsible for commercial asset optimisation at RWE.

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